Part number: 100
Input voltage (V): TO-220-A1
IDP (A): MIP0224SY
fSW (kHz): 85 to 264
Package: 20 to 35
Part number: 100201
Logic Function: Gate
Logic Product Family: ECL
Supply Voltage (VCC) MIN (V): -4.2
Supply Voltage (VCC) MAX (V): -5.7
Number of Inputs: 3
Input Current MAX (IIL) (mA): .24
Input Current MIN (IIH) (mA): .0005
Propagation Delay @-5V: 1.2
Propagation Delay @1.8V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.5V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.7V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @3.3V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @5V (ns): -
Part number: 100301
Logic Function: Gate
Logic Product Family: ECL
Supply Voltage (VCC) MIN (V): -4.2
Supply Voltage (VCC) MAX (V): -5.7
Number of Inputs: 15
Input Current MAX (IIL) (mA): .24
Input Current MIN (IIH) (mA): .0005
Propagation Delay @-5V: 1.2
Propagation Delay @1.8V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.5V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.7V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @3.3V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @5V (ns): -
Part number: 100302
Logic Function: Gate
Logic Product Family: ECL
Supply Voltage (VCC) MIN (V): -4.2
Supply Voltage (VCC) MAX (V): -5.7
Number of Inputs: 10
Input Current MAX (IIL) (mA): .24
Input Current MIN (IIH) (mA): .0005
Propagation Delay @-5V: 1.25
Propagation Delay @1.8V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.5V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.7V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @3.3V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @5V (ns): -
Part number: 100304
Logic Function: Gate
Logic Product Family: ECL
Supply Voltage (VCC) MIN (V): -4.2
Supply Voltage (VCC) MAX (V): -5.7
Number of Inputs: 10
Input Current MAX (IIL) (mA): .35
Input Current MIN (IIH) (mA): .0005
Propagation Delay @-5V: 1.75
Propagation Delay @1.8V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.5V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.7V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @3.3V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @5V (ns): -
Part number: 100307
Logic Function: Gate
Logic Product Family: ECL
Supply Voltage (VCC) MIN (V): -4.2
Supply Voltage (VCC) MAX (V): -5.7
Number of Inputs: 10
Input Current MAX (IIL) (mA): .35
Input Current MIN (IIH) (mA): .0005
Propagation Delay @-5V: 1.9
Propagation Delay @1.8V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.5V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.7V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @3.3V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @5V (ns): -
Part number: 100313
Description: Low Power Quad Driver
Part number: 100313FM-MLS
Description: Low Power Quad Driver
Part number: 100314
Description: Low Power Quint Differential Line Receiver
Part number: 100315
Description: Low-Skew Quad Clock Driver
Package Type: CERPACK
Part number: 100321
Logic Function: Gate
Logic Product Family: ECL
Supply Voltage (VCC) MIN (V): -4.2
Supply Voltage (VCC) MAX (V): -5.7
Number of Inputs: 9
Input Current MAX (IIL) (mA): .24
Input Current MIN (IIH) (mA): .0005
Propagation Delay @-5V: 1.55
Propagation Delay @1.8V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.5V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.7V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @3.3V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @5V (ns): -
Part number: 100321DMQB
Description: Low Power 9-Bit Inverter
Part number: 100321FMQB
Description: Low Power 9-Bit Inverter
Part number: 100322
Logic Product Family: ECL
Supply Voltage (VCC)MIN (V): -4.2
Supply Voltage (VCC) MAX (V): -5.7
Number of Inputs: 9
Input Current MAX (IIL): .24
Input Current MIN (IIH): .0005
Propagation Delay @-5V (ns): 1.55
Propagation Delay @1.8V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.5V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.7V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @3.3V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @5V (ns): -
Part number: 100322DMQB
Description: Low Power 9-Bit Buffer
Part number: 100322FMQB
Description: Low Power 9-Bit Buffer
Part number: 100323
Description: Low Power Hex Bus Driver
Part number: 100323DMQB
Description: Low Power Hex Bus Driver
Part number: 100323FMQB
Description: Low Power Hex Bus Driver
Part number: 100324
Description: Low Power Hex TTL-to-ECL Translator
Part number: 100325
Description: Low Power Hex ECL-to-TTL Translator
Part number: 100325WFQMLV
Description: Low Power Hex ECL-to-TTL Translator
Part number: 100328
Description: Low Power ECL/TTL Bi-Directional Translator with Latch
Part number: 100328DMQB
Description: Low Power ECL/TTL Bi-Directional Translator with Latch
Part number: 100328FMQB
Description: Low Power ECL/TTL Bi-Directional Translator with Latch
Part number: 100329
Description: Low Power Octal ECL/TTL Bidirectional Translator with Register
Part number: 100331
Logic Function: Flip-Flop
Logic Product Family: ECL
Supply Voltage (VCC) MIN (V): -4.2
Supply Voltage (VCC) MAX (V): -5.7
Number of Inputs: 3
Input Current MAX (IIL) (mA): .24
Input Current MIN (IIH) (mA): .0005
Propagation Delay @-5V: 1.8
Propagation Delay @1.8V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.5V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.7V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @3.3V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @5V (ns): -
Part number: 100331WFQMLV
Description: Low Power Triple D Flip-Flop
Part number: 100336
Logic Function: Counter, Register
Logic Product Family: ECL
Output Characteristics: w/Complementary Outputs
Supply Voltage (VCC) MIN (V): -4.2
Supply Voltage (VCC) MAX (V): -5.7
Number of Inputs: 2
Input Current MAX (IIL) (mA): .24
Input Current MIN (IIH) (mA): .0005
Propagation Delay @-5V (ns): 2
Propagation Delay @2.7V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @3.3V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @5V (ns): -
Part number: 100341
Logic Product Family: ECL
Supply Voltage (VCC) MIN (V): -4.2
Supply Voltage (VCC) MAX (V): -5.7
Number of Inputs: 10
Input Current MAX (IIL): .24
Input Current MIN (IIH): .0005
Propagation Delay @-5V (ns): 2.1
Propagation Delay @1.8V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.5V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.7V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @3.3V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @5V (ns): -
Part number: 100341WFQMLV
Description: Low Power 8-Bit Shift Register
Part number: 100343
Logic Product Family: ECL
Supply Voltage (VCC) MIN (V): -4.2
Supply Voltage (VCC) MAX (V): -5.7
Number of Inputs: 8
Input Current MAX (IIL) (mA): .24
Input Current MIN (IIH) (mA): .0005
Propagation Delay @-5V: 2.2
Propagation Delay @1.8V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.5V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.7V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @3.3V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @5V (ns): -
Part number: 100343DMQB
Description: Low Power 8-Bit Latch
Part number: 100343FMQB
Description: Low Power 8-Bit Latch
Part number: 100344
Logic Product Family: ECL
Supply Voltage (VCC) MIN (V): -4.2
Supply Voltage (VCC) MAX (V): -5.7
Number of Inputs: 8
Input Current MAX (IIL) (mA): .24
Input Current MIN (IIH) (mA): .0005
Propagation Delay @-5V: 2.3
Propagation Delay @1.8V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.5V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.7V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @3.3V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @5V (ns): -
Part number: 100344DMQB
Description: Low Power 8-Bit Latch with Cut-Off Drivers
Part number: 100344FMQB
Description: Low Power 8-Bit Latch with Cut-Off Drivers
Part number: 100350
Logic Product Family: ECL
Supply Voltage (VCC) MIN (V): -4.2
Supply Voltage (VCC) MAX (V): -5.7
Number of Inputs: 6
Input Current MAX (IIL) (mA): .24
Input Current MIN (IIH) (mA): .0005
Propagation Delay @-5V: 1.5
Propagation Delay @1.8V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.5V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.7V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @3.3V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @5V (ns): -
Part number: 100351
Logic Function: Flip-Flop
Logic Product Family: ECL
Supply Voltage (VCC) MIN (V): -4.2
Supply Voltage (VCC) MAX (V): -5.7
Number of Inputs: 6
Input Current MAX (IIL) (mA): .24
Input Current MIN (IIH) (mA): .0005
Propagation Delay @-5V: 2.1
Propagation Delay @1.8V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.5V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.7V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @3.3V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @5V (ns): -
Part number: 100351W-QMLV
Description: Low Power Hex D Flip-Flop
Part number: 100351WFQMLV
Description: Low Power Hex D Flip-Flop
Part number: 100352
Logic Product Family: ECL
Supply Voltage (VCC)MIN (V): -4.2
Supply Voltage (VCC) MAX (V): -5.7
Number of Inputs: 8
Input Current MAX (IIL): .24
Input Current MIN (IIH): .0005
Propagation Delay @-5V (ns): 2.2
Propagation Delay @1.8V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.5V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.7V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @3.3V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @5V (ns): -
Part number: 100352DMQB
Description: Low Power 8-Bit Buffer with Cut-Off Drivers
Part number: 100352FMQB
Description: Low Power 8-Bit Buffer with Cut-Off Drivers
Part number: 100353
Logic Product Family: ECL
Supply Voltage (VCC) MIN (V): -4.2
Supply Voltage (VCC) MAX (V): -5.7
Number of Inputs: 8
Input Current MAX (IIL): .24
Input Current MIN (IIH): .0005
Propagation Delay @-5V (ns): 3.1
Propagation Delay @1.8V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.5V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.7V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @3.3V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @5V (ns): -
Part number: 100353DMQB
Description: Low Power 8-Bit Latch
Part number: 100353FM-MLS
Description: Low Power 8-Bit Latch
Part number: 100353FMQB
Description: Low Power 8-Bit Latch
Part number: 100354
Logic Product Family: ECL
Supply Voltage (VCC) MIN (V): -4.2
Supply Voltage (VCC) MAX (V): -5.7
Number of Inputs: 8
Input Current MAX (IIL): .24
Input Current MIN (IIH): .0005
Propagation Delay @-5V (ns): 3.1
Propagation Delay @1.8V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.5V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.7V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @3.3V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @5V (ns): -
Part number: 100355
Logic Product Family: ECL
Supply Voltage (VCC) MIN (V): -4.2
Supply Voltage (VCC) MAX (V): -5.7
Number of Inputs: 8
Input Current MAX (IIL) (mA): .34
Input Current MIN (IIH) (mA): .0005
Propagation Delay @-5V: 2
Propagation Delay @1.8V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.5V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.7V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @3.3V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @5V (ns): -
Part number: 100355WFQMLV
Description: Low Power Quad Multiplexer/Latch
Part number: 100363
Logic Product Family: ECL
Supply Voltage (VCC) MIN (V): -4.2
Supply Voltage (VCC) MAX (V): -5.7
Number of Inputs: 16
Input Current MAX (IIL) (mA): .34
Input Current MIN (IIH) (mA): .0005
Propagation Delay @-5V: 1.8
Propagation Delay @1.8V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.5V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.7V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @3.3V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @5V (ns): -
Part number: 100363DM-MLS
Description: Low Power Dual 8-Input Multiplexer
Part number: 100364
Logic Product Family: ECL
Supply Voltage (VCC) MIN (V): -4.2
Supply Voltage (VCC) MAX (V): -5.7
Number of Inputs: 16
Input Current MAX (IIL) (mA): .3
Input Current MIN (IIH) (mA): .0005
Propagation Delay @-5V: 2.1
Propagation Delay @1.8V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.5V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.7V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @3.3V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @5V (ns): -
Part number: 100370
Logic Product Family: ECL
Output Characteristics: -
Additional Features: Universal
Supply Voltage (VCC) MIN (V): -4.2
Supply Voltage (VCC) MAX (V): -5.7
Number of Inputs: 5
Input Current MAX (IIL) (mA): .24
Input Current MIN (IIH) (mA): .0005
Propagation Delay @-5V (ns): 2.3
Propagation Delay @1.8V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.5V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.7V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @3.3V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @5V (ns): -
Part number: 100370DMQB
Description: Low Power Universal Demultiplexer/Decoder
Part number: 100371
Logic Product Family: ECL
Supply Voltage (VCC) MIN (V): -4.2
Supply Voltage (VCC) MAX (V): -5.7
Number of Inputs: 12
Input Current MAX (IIL) (mA): .34
Input Current MIN (IIH) (mA): .0005
Propagation Delay @-5V: 1.6
Propagation Delay @1.8V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.5V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.7V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @3.3V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @5V (ns): -
Part number: 100371DM-MLS
Description: Low Power Triple 4-Input Multiplexer with Enable
Part number: 100371DMQB
Description: Low Power Triple 4-Input Multiplexer with Enable
Part number: 100371FM-MLS
Description: Low Power Triple 4-Input Multiplexer with Enable
Part number: 100371FMQB
Description: Low Power Triple 4-Input Multiplexer with Enable
Part number: 100371MW8
Description: Low Power Triple 4-Input Multiplexer with Enable
Part number: 1003GD
Package: 3.8*6.3mm Rectangular Legend with Reflector LED
Viewing Angle 2 1/2: 100
Peak Wavelength (nm): 565
Forward Voltage Vf(V)(Typ): 2.1 at If=20mA
Material: GaP
Lens Color: Green Diffused
Emitted Color: Green
Luminous Intensity Iv(mcd): 4
Current(mA): 10
Part number: 1003ID
Package: 3.8*6.3mm Rectangular Legend with Reflector LED
Viewing Angle 2 1/2: 100
Peak Wavelength (nm): 635
Forward Voltage Vf(V)(Typ): 2 at If=20mA
Material: GaAsP/GaP
Lens Color: Red Diffused
Emitted Color: Hi-Eff Red
Luminous Intensity Iv(mcd): 4
Current(mA): 10
Part number: 1003YD
Package: 3.8*6.3mm Rectangular Legend with Reflector LED
Viewing Angle 2 1/2: 100
Peak Wavelength (nm): 585
Forward Voltage Vf(V)(Typ): 2 at If=20mA
Material: GaAsP/GaP
Lens Color: Yellow Diffused
Emitted Color: Yellow
Luminous Intensity Iv(mcd): 4
Current(mA): 10
Part number: 1003YD/R
Package: 3.68*6.22mm Rectangular Legend LED Lamp
Viewing Angle 2 1/2: 100
Peak Wavelength (nm): 585
Forward Voltage Vf(V)(Typ): 2.0 at IF=20mA
Material: GaAsP/GaP
Lens Color: Yellow Diffused
Emitted Color: Yellow
Luminous Intensity Iv(mcd): 4
Current(mA): 10
Part number: 10043901
Description: VME-II/NTDS Parallel Dual Tap Monitor Adaptor
Part number: 10044101
Description: VME/AB-C NTDS Parallel Channel Switch
Part number: 10044601
Description: VME-II ATDS Interface Adaptors
Part number: 10046301
Description: NTDS/VME-II Parallel Interface Adaptor
Part number: 10046501
Description: NTDS Type D Serial Interface
Part number: 10046601
Description: NTDS/VME-II Parallel Interface Adaptor
Part number: 10046901
Description: VME-II/NTDS Parallel Interface Adaptor
Part number: 10047901
Description: VME-II/NTDS Parallel Interface Adaptor
Part number: 10048301
Description: NTDS/SBus Parallel Interface Adaptor
Part number: 10048601
Description: NTDS/SBus Type E Interface Adaptor
Part number: 10070501
Description: NTDS PMC Parallel Interface Adaptor
Part number: 10070801
Description: -cPCI NTDS/cPCI Type E (Low Level Serial) Interface Adaptor
Part number: 10071501
Description: NTDS/cPCI Parallel Interface Adaptor