Part number: CD14538B
Description: CMOS Dual Precision Monostable Multivibrator (1250C Operation)
Part number: CD20
Description: The CD20 and CD21 audio/video (A/V) decoders are integrated single chips that decode Main Profile @ Main Level video (CD20) or up to 4:2:2 Profile @ Main Level (CD21) and MPEG-2 stereo Layer I & II (CD quality) audio. The digital A/V decoders from IBM are designed with enhanced features to meet the rapidly emerging needs of broadcast, small office/home office (SOHO), desktop publishing, video post-processing, and professional editing products.
Part number: CD21
Description: The CD20 and CD21 audio/video (A/V) decoders are integrated single chips that decode Main Profile @ Main Level video (CD20) or up to 4:2:2 Profile @ Main Level (CD21) and MPEG-2 stereo Layer I & II (CD quality) audio. The digital A/V decoders from IBM are designed with enhanced features to meet the rapidly emerging needs of broadcast, small office/home office (SOHO), desktop publishing, video post-processing, and professional editing products.
Part number: CD4001B
Description: CMOS Quad 2-Input NOR Gate
Part number: CD4001BC
Logic Function: Gate
Logic Product Family: Mature CMOS
Supply Voltage (VCC) MIN (V): 3
Supply Voltage (VCC) MAX (V): 15
Number of Inputs: 8
Input Current MAX (IIL) (mA): -
Input Current MIN (IIH) (mA): -
Propagation Delay @-5V: -
Propagation Delay @1.8V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.5V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.7V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @3.3V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @5V (ns): 250
Part number: CD4001BDMSR
SMD Number: 5962R9582602VCC
Family: Logic, CD4xxx
Type: Gates
Description: NOR Gate, Quad, 2-Input
Package: 14-Lead SBDIP
RH Level: 100krad
Part number: CD4001BKMSR
SMD Number: 5962R9582602VXC
Family: Logic, CD4xxx
Type: Gates
Description: NOR Gate, Quad, 2-Input
Package: 14-Lead Flatpack
RH Level: 100krad
Part number: CD4001BM
Description: Quad 2-Input NOR/NAND Buffered B Series Gate
Package Type: CERDIP
Part number: CD4001BMJ/883
Description: Quad 2-Input NOR/NAND Buffered B Series Gate
Part number: CD4001UB
Description: CMOS Quad 2-Input NOR Gate
Part number: CD4002B
Description: CMOS Dual 4-Input NOR Gate
Part number: CD4006B
Description: CMOS 18-Stage Static Shift Register
Part number: CD4007UB
Description: CMOS Dual Complementary Pair Plus Inverter
Part number: CD4008BKMSR
SMD Number: 5962R9661901VXC
Family: Logic, CD4xxx
Type: Special Function
Description: Adder, Full 4-Bit, with Parallel Carry Out
Package: 16-Lead Flatpack
RH Level: 100krad
Part number: CD4009UB
Description: CMOS Hex Inverting Buffer/Converter
Part number: CD40102B
Description: CMOS 8-Stage Presettable 2-Decade BCD Synchronous Down Counter
Part number: CD40103B
Description: CMOS 8-Stage Presettable 8-Bit Binary Synchronous Down Counter
Part number: CD40105BDMSR
SMD Number: 5962R9660201VEC
Family: Logic, CD4xxx
Type: Registers
Description: FIFO, 4-Bit x 16 Word
Package: 16-Lead SBDIP
RH Level: 100krad
Part number: CD40105BKMSR
SMD Number: 5962R9660201VXC
Family: Logic, CD4xxx
Type: Registers
Description: FIFO, 4-Bit x 16 Word
Package: 16-Lead Flatpack
RH Level: 100krad
Part number: CD40106B
Description: CMOS Hex Schmitt Triggers
Part number: CD40106BDMSR
SMD Number: 5962R9660301VCC
Family: Logic, CD4xxx
Type: Special Function
Description: Schmitt Trigger, Hex, Inverting
Package: 14-Lead SBDIP
RH Level: 100krad
Part number: CD40106BKMSR
SMD Number: 5962R9660301VXC
Family: Logic, CD4xxx
Type: Special Function
Description: Schmitt Trigger, Hex, Inverting
Package: 14-Lead Flatpack
RH Level: 100krad
Part number: CD40106BM
Description: Hex Schmitt Trigger
Package Type: CERDIP
Part number: CD40107B
Description: CMOS Dual 2-Input NAND Buffer/Driver
Part number: CD40109B
Description: CMOS Quad Low-to-High Voltage Level Shifter (20V Rating)
Part number: CD40109BDMSR
SMD Number: 5962R9664501VEC
Family: Logic, CD4xxx
Type: Level Shifters
Description: Quad, Low-to-High, Vcc to Vdd
Package: 16-Lead SBDIP
RH Level: 100krad
Part number: CD40109BKMSR
SMD Number: 5962R9664501VXC
Family: Logic, CD4xxx
Type: Level Shifters
Description: Quad, Low-to-High, Vcc to Vdd
Package: 16-Lead Flatpack
RH Level: 100krad
Part number: CD4010B
Description: CMOS Hex Non-Inverting Buffer/Converter
Part number: CD4010C
Logic Product Family: Mature CMOS
Supply Voltage (VCC)MIN (V): 3
Supply Voltage (VCC) MAX (V): 15
Number of Inputs: 6
Input Current MAX (IIL): -
Input Current MIN (IIH): -
Propagation Delay @-5V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @1.8V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.5V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.7V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @3.3V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @5V (ns): 100
Part number: CD40110B
Description: CMOS Decade Up-Down Counter/Latch/Display Driver
Part number: CD4011B
Description: CMOS Quad 2-Input NAND Gate
Part number: CD4011BC
Logic Function: Gate
Logic Product Family: Mature CMOS
Supply Voltage (VCC) MIN (V): 3
Supply Voltage (VCC) MAX (V): 15
Number of Inputs: 8
Input Current MAX (IIL) (mA): -
Input Current MIN (IIH) (mA): -
Propagation Delay @-5V: -
Propagation Delay @1.8V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.5V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.7V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @3.3V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @5V (ns): 250
Part number: CD4011BM
Description: Quad 2-Input NOR/NAND Buffered B Series Gate
Part number: CD4011BMJ/883
Description: Quad 2-Input NOR/NAND Buffered B Series Gate
Part number: CD4011BMW/883
Description: Quad 2-Input NOR/NAND Buffered B Series Gate
Part number: CD4011UB
Description: CMOS Quad 2-Input NAND Gate
Part number: CD4012B
Description: CMOS Dual 4-Input NAND Gate
Part number: CD4013B
Description: CMOS Dual D-Type Flip Flop
Part number: CD4013BC
Logic Function: Flip-Flop
Logic Product Family: Mature CMOS
Supply Voltage (VCC) MIN (V): 3
Supply Voltage (VCC) MAX (V): 15
Number of Inputs: 2
Input Current MAX (IIL) (mA): -
Input Current MIN (IIH) (mA): -
Propagation Delay @-5V: -
Propagation Delay @1.8V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.5V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.7V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @3.3V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @5V (ns): 350
Part number: CD4013BDMSR
SMD Number: 5962R9662201VCC
Family: Logic, CD4xxx
Type: Flip-Flops
Description: Dual, D-Type with Set/Reset
Package: 14-Lead SBDIP
RH Level: 100krad
Part number: CD4013BKMSR
SMD Number: 5962R9662201VXC
Family: Logic, CD4xxx
Type: Flip-Flops
Description: Dual, D-Type with Set/Reset
Package: 14-Lead Flatpack
RH Level: 100krad
Part number: CD4013BM
Description: Dual D Flip-Flop
Package Type: CERDIP
Part number: CD4013BMJ/883
Description: Dual D Flip-Flop
Part number: CD40147B
Description: 10-Line to 4-Line BCD Priority Encoder
Part number: CD4014B
Description: CMOS 8-Stage Static Shift Register
Part number: CD4014BC
Logic Product Family: Mature CMOS
Supply Voltage (VCC) MIN (V): 3
Supply Voltage (VCC) MAX (V): 15
Number of Inputs: 8
Input Current MAX (IIL): -
Input Current MIN (IIH): -
Propagation Delay @-5V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @1.8V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.5V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.7V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @3.3V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @5V (ns): 320
Part number: CD4015B
Description: CMOS Dual 4-Stage Static Shift Register
Part number: CD4015BC
Logic Product Family: Mature CMOS
Supply Voltage (VCC) MIN (V): 3
Supply Voltage (VCC) MAX (V): 15
Number of Inputs: 2
Input Current MAX (IIL): -
Input Current MIN (IIH): -
Propagation Delay @-5V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @1.8V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.5V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.7V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @3.3V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @5V (ns): 350
Part number: CD4015BDMSR
SMD Number: 5962R9662401VEC
Family: Logic, CD4xxx
Type: Registers
Description: Shift, Static, Dual, 4-Stage
Package: 16-Lead SBDIP
RH Level: 100krad
Part number: CD4015BKMSR
SMD Number: 5962R9662401VXC
Family: Logic, CD4xxx
Type: Registers
Description: Shift, Static, Dual, 4-Stage
Package: 16-Lead Flatpack
RH Level: 100krad
Part number: CD40161B
Description: CMOS Synchronous Programmable 4-Bit Binary Counter with Asynchronous Clear
Part number: CD4016B
Description: CMOS Quad Bilateral Switch
Part number: CD4016BC
Logic Product Family: Mature CMOS
Supply Voltage (VCC) MIN (V): 3
Supply Voltage (VCC) MAX (V): 15
Number of Inputs: 4
Propagation Delay @1.8V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.5V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @3.3V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @5V (ns): 100
Part number: CD40174B
Description: CMOS Hex D-Type Flip-Flop
Part number: CD40174BC
Logic Function: Flip-Flop
Logic Product Family: Mature CMOS
Supply Voltage (VCC) MIN (V): 3
Supply Voltage (VCC) MAX (V): 15
Number of Inputs: 6
Input Current MAX (IIL) (mA): -
Input Current MIN (IIH) (mA): -
Propagation Delay @-5V: -
Propagation Delay @1.8V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.5V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.7V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @3.3V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @5V (ns): 300
Part number: CD40174BDMSR
SMD Number: 5962R9660501VEC
Family: Logic, CD4xxx
Type: Flip-Flops
Description: Hex, D-Type
Package: 16-Lead SBDIP
RH Level: 100krad
Part number: CD40174BKMSR
SMD Number: 5962R9660501VXC
Family: Logic, CD4xxx
Type: Flip-Flops
Description: Hex, D-Type
Package: 16-Lead Flatpack
RH Level: 100krad
Part number: CD40174BM
Description: Hex/Quad D Flip-Flop
Package Type: CERDIP
Part number: CD40174BMJ/883
Description: Hex/Quad D Flip-Flop
Part number: CD40175B
Description: CMOS Quad D-Type Flip-Flop
Part number: CD40175BC
Logic Function: Flip-Flop
Logic Product Family: Mature CMOS
Supply Voltage (VCC) MIN (V): 3
Supply Voltage (VCC) MAX (V): 15
Number of Inputs: 4
Input Current MAX (IIL) (mA): -
Input Current MIN (IIH) (mA): -
Propagation Delay @-5V: -
Propagation Delay @1.8V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.5V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.7V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @3.3V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @5V (ns): 300
Part number: CD40175BMJ/883
Description: Hex/Quad D Flip-Flop [Life-time buy]
Part number: CD4017B
Description: CMOS Decade Counter with 10 Decoded Outputs
Part number: CD4017BC
Logic Function: Counter
Logic Product Family: Mature CMOS
Output Characteristics: w/10 Decoded Outputs
Supply Voltage (VCC) MIN (V): 3
Supply Voltage (VCC) MAX (V): 15
Number of Inputs: 1
Input Current MAX (IIL) (mA): -
Input Current MIN (IIH) (mA): -
Propagation Delay @-5V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.7V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @3.3V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @5V (ns): 800
Part number: CD4017BDMSR
SMD Number: 5962R9662501VEC
Family: Logic, CD4xxx
Type: Counters
Description: Decade, with Reset
Package: 16-Lead SBDIP
RH Level: 100krad
Part number: CD4017BKMSR
SMD Number: 5962R9662501VXC
Family: Logic, CD4xxx
Type: Counters
Description: Decade, with Reset
Package: 16-Lead Flatpack
RH Level: 100krad
Part number: CD4017BMJ/883
Description: CD4017BM, CD4017BC Decode Counter/Divider with 10 Decoded Outputs[Life-time buy]
Part number: CD4018B
Description: CMOS Presettable Divide-By-N Counter
Part number: CD40192B
Description: CMOS Presettable BCD Up/Down Counter (Dual Clock with Reset)
Part number: CD40192BC
Logic Function: Counter
Logic Product Family: Mature CMOS
Output Characteristics: w/Preset
Supply Voltage (VCC) MIN (V): 3
Supply Voltage (VCC) MAX (V): 15
Number of Inputs: 4
Input Current MAX (IIL) (mA): -
Input Current MIN (IIH) (mA): -
Propagation Delay @-5V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.7V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @3.3V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @5V (ns): 400
Part number: CD40193B
Description: CMOS Presettable Binary Up/Down Counter (Dual Clock with Reset)
Part number: CD40193BC
Logic Function: Counter
Logic Product Family: Mature CMOS
Output Characteristics: w/Preset
Supply Voltage (VCC) MIN (V): 3
Supply Voltage (VCC) MAX (V): 15
Number of Inputs: 4
Input Current MAX (IIL) (mA): -
Input Current MIN (IIH) (mA): -
Propagation Delay @-5V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.7V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @3.3V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @5V (ns): 400
Part number: CD40193BDMSR
SMD Number: 5962R9660802VCC
Family: Logic, CD4xxx
Type: Counters
Description: Presettable Up/Down, Binary Type
Package: 16-Lead SBDIP
RH Level: 100krad
Part number: CD40193BKMSR
SMD Number: 5962R9660802VXC
Family: Logic, CD4xxx
Type: Counters
Description: Presettable Up/Down, Binary Type
Package: 16-Lead Flatpack
RH Level: 100krad
Part number: CD40194B
Description: CMOS 4-Bit Bidirectional Universal Shift Register
Part number: CD4019B
Description: CMOS Quad AND/OR Select Gate
Part number: CD4019BC
Logic Function: Gate
Logic Product Family: Mature CMOS
Supply Voltage (VCC) MIN (V): 3
Supply Voltage (VCC) MAX (V): 15
Number of Inputs: 8
Input Current MAX (IIL) (mA): -
Input Current MIN (IIH) (mA): -
Propagation Delay @-5V: -
Propagation Delay @1.8V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.5V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.7V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @3.3V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @5V (ns): 300
Part number: CD4020B
Description: CMOS 14-Stage Ripple-Carry Binary Counter/Divider
Part number: CD4020BC
Logic Function: Counter
Logic Product Family: Mature CMOS
Output Characteristics: w/Schmitt Trigger Inputs
Supply Voltage (VCC) MIN (V): 3
Supply Voltage (VCC) MAX (V): 15
Number of Inputs: 1
Input Current MAX (IIL) (mA): -
Input Current MIN (IIH) (mA): -
Propagation Delay @-5V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.7V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @3.3V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @5V (ns): 550
Part number: CD4020BDMSR
SMD Number: 5962R9662801VEC
Family: Logic, CD4xxx
Type: Counters
Description: Ripple-Carry, Binary, 14-Stage
Package: 16-Lead SBDIP
RH Level: 100krad
Part number: CD4020BKMSR
SMD Number: 5962R9662801VYC
Family: Logic, CD4xxx
Type: Counters
Description: Ripple-Carry, Binary, 14-Stage
Package: 16-Lead Flatpack
RH Level: 100krad
Part number: CD4020BMW/883
Description: CD4020BM, CD4020BC, CD4060BM, CD4060BC 14-Stage Ripple Carr y BinaryCounters [Life-time buy]
Part number: CD4021B
Description: CMOS 8-Stage Static Shift Register
Part number: CD4021BC
Logic Product Family: Mature CMOS
Supply Voltage (VCC) MIN (V): 3
Supply Voltage (VCC) MAX (V): 15
Number of Inputs: 8
Input Current MAX (IIL): -
Input Current MIN (IIH): -
Propagation Delay @-5V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @1.8V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.5V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.7V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @3.3V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @5V (ns): 350
Part number: CD4021BDMSR
SMD Number: 5962R9662302VEC
Family: Logic, CD4xxx
Type: Registers
Description: Shift, Static, 8-Stage
Package: 16-Lead SBDIP
RH Level: 100krad
Part number: CD4021BKMSR
SMD Number: 5962R9662302VXC
Family: Logic, CD4xxx
Type: Registers
Description: Shift, Static, 8-Stage
Package: 16-Lead Flatpack
RH Level: 100krad
Part number: CD4022B
Description: CMOS Octal Counter with 8 Decoded Outputs
Part number: CD4022BC
Logic Function: Counter
Logic Product Family: Mature CMOS
Output Characteristics: w/8 Decoded Outputs
Supply Voltage (VCC) MIN (V): 3
Supply Voltage (VCC) MAX (V): 15
Number of Inputs: 1
Input Current MAX (IIL) (mA): -
Input Current MIN (IIH) (mA): -
Propagation Delay @-5V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.7V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @3.3V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @5V (ns): 800
Part number: CD4023B
Description: CMOS Triple 3-Input NAND Gate
Part number: CD4023BC
Logic Function: Gate
Logic Product Family: Mature CMOS
Supply Voltage (VCC) MIN (V): 5
Supply Voltage (VCC) MAX (V): 15
Number of Inputs: 9
Input Current MAX (IIL) (mA): -
Input Current MIN (IIH) (mA): -
Propagation Delay @-5V: -
Propagation Delay @1.8V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.5V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.7V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @3.3V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @5V (ns): 250
Part number: CD4023BDMSR
SMD Number: 5962R9662103VCC
Family: Logic, CD4xxx
Type: Gates
Description: NAND Gate, Triple, 3-Input
Package: 14-Lead SBDIP
RH Level: 100krad
Part number: CD4023BKMSR
SMD Number: 5962R9662103VXC
Family: Logic, CD4xxx
Type: Gates
Description: NAND Gate, Triple, 3-Input
Package: 14-Lead Flatpack
RH Level: 100krad
Part number: CD4023BM
Description: Buffered Triple 3-Input NAND/NOR Gate
Part number: CD4023BMJ/883
Description: Buffered Triple 3-Input NAND/NOR Gate
Part number: CD4023BMW/883
Description: Buffered Triple 3-Input NAND/NOR Gate
Part number: CD4024B
Description: CMOS 7-Stage Ripple-Carry Binary Counter/Divider
Part number: CD4024BC
Logic Function: Counter
Logic Product Family: Mature CMOS
Output Characteristics: -
Supply Voltage (VCC) MIN (V): 3
Supply Voltage (VCC) MAX (V): 15
Number of Inputs: 1
Input Current MAX (IIL) (mA): -
Input Current MIN (IIH) (mA): -
Propagation Delay @-5V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @2.7V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @3.3V (ns): -
Propagation Delay @5V (ns): 350
Part number: CD4024BDMSR
SMD Number: 5962R9662803VCC
Family: Logic, CD4xxx
Type: Counters
Description: Ripple-Carry, Binary, 7-Stage
Package: 14-Lead SBDIP
RH Level: 100krad
Part number: CD4024BKMSR
SMD Number: 5962R9662803VXC
Family: Logic, CD4xxx
Type: Counters
Description: Ripple-Carry, Binary, 7-Stage
Package: 14-Lead Flatpack
RH Level: 100krad
Part number: CD40257B
Description: CMOS Quad 2-Line-to-1-Line Data Selector/Multiplexer