Part number: iC-HK
Description: 155MHz LASER SWITCH
Part number: iC-JJ
Description: POWER MANAGEMENT iC with autarky function
Part number: iC-JM
Description: POWER SUPPLY WITH CAN TRANSCEIVER and sleep mode
Part number: iC-JRX
Description: µP INTERFACE, 2x4 24V HIGH-SIDE DRIVER operates bidirectional and features load diagnosis...
Part number: iC-LA
Description: 64X1 LINEAR IMAGE SENSOR with bidirectional shift and extendable data I/O
Part number: iC-LF
Description: 128X1 LINEAR IMAGE SENSOR with electronic shutter function
Part number: iC-LQ
Part number: iC-OC
Part number: iC-OD
Description: OPTICAL POSITION-SENSITIVE DETECTOR (PSD) eliminates ambient light
Part number: iC-OF
Description: 3-BIT OPTO ENCODER offers additional analog outputs
Part number: iC-OG
Description: 8-BIT DIFFERENTIAL SCANNING OPTO ENCODER for multi-purpose applications
Part number: iC-OR
Description: 5-ELEMENT PHOTODIODE ARRAY the ideal choice to operate iC-WT
Part number: iC-OV
Description: 5-BIT OPTO ENCODER controls LED power...
Part number: iC-VJ/VJZ
Description: LASER DIODE CONTROLLER features full transmitter functions. Demo Board available
Part number: iC-VP
Description: PHOTOSWITCH with adjustable sensitivity
Part number: iC-VR
Description: BIDIRECTIONAL µP INTERFACE FOR 24V offers 2×4 low-side drivers...
Part number: iC-VX
Description: 3-CHANNEL DIFFERENTIAL LINE DRIVER with complementary 24V outputs, Demo Board available
Part number: iC-WD/WDS
Description: SWITCH-MODE DUAL 5V REGULATOR operates from 10V to 36V and supplies sensors and logic separately...
Part number: iC-WE/WEH
Description: 3-CHANNEL 75 OHM LINE DRIVER eliminates line reflections in RS422/24V applications Demo Board available
Part number: iC-WG
Description: 14-BIT DIFFERENTIAL SCANNING OPTO ENCODER senses absolute for high resolutions...
Part number: iC-WJ/WJZ
Description: LASER DIODE DRIVER, CW and pulse operation of up to 300kHz Demo Board available
Part number: iC-WJB
Description: 2.7V LASER DIODE DRIVER for battery supplies from 2.7V to 6V Demo Board available
Part number: iC-WK
Description: UNIVERSAL LASER SAVER Demo Board available
Part number: iC-WQ
Description: AC PHOTOSENSOR with a built-in bandpass and current output
Part number: ICD-87XP
Description: Low cost debugger and programmer for PIC16F87X . Can be use to support most PIC16CXX . Run-time in-system debugging . Real-time code execution . High speed parallel port interface . Built-in programmer . 5-pin ISP Header for in-system debugging and programming target chip support . 2.5V to 6.0V operating range . One level Real-time Breakpoint . Two External Break Inputs . Conditional Animation Break . Operating frequencies from 32Khz to 20Mhz . Runs under PICICD IDE (Win 95/98/NT) or MPLAB (Win 95/98 only) . Program functions and emulation controls like running, stepping, setting breakpoint, etc.. Source level and symbolic debugging on most popular PIC compilers and assemblers . Software animation trace captures 3 user-defined variables in addition to opcode, W, STATUS, FSR registers and corresponding instructions. . Optional PLCC, QFP and SOIC surface mount emulation headers . ICD Demo Board is provided for demonstration and/or evaluation of the PIC16F87x in the absence of a target application board. It provides LEDs, DIP switch, push buttons, a potentiometer, prototyping area and RS232 circuitry . PIC-ICD Resources Used:. Due to the built-in ICD and ISP functions, the system will use up the following on-chip resources:. - MCLR/Vpp shared for programming. - RB6 and RB7 reserved for programming and debugging. (can be released for use when not in debugging mode via jumpers). - 6 general purpose registers (70h, 1EBh-1EFh) . - program memory (0x1F00-0x1FFF). - one stack level not available.
Part number: ICD-87XS
Description: Low cost debugger and programmer for PIC16F87X . Can be use to support most PIC16CXX . Run-time in-system debugging . Real-time code execution . Serial port interface . Built-in programmer . 3V to 5.5V operating range . One level Real-time Breakpoint . Operating frequencies from 32Khz to 20Mhz . Runs under MPLAB™ (Win 95/98/NT) . Program functions and emulation controls like running, stepping, setting breakpoint, etc. . Source level and symbolic debugging . ICD Demo Board is provided for demonstration and/or evaluation of the PIC16F87x in the absence of a target application board. It provides LEDs, DIP switch, push buttons, a potentiometer, prototyping area and RS232 circuitry.
Part number: ICD2051
Description: Dual Programmable Clock Generator
Price: $2.35
Package: 16-Pin Plastic Smal Outline ICs (SOIC)
Operating Voltage: 5
Operating Range: Commercial
PLLs: 2
Features: MUXREF, OE
Outputs: 4
Frequency Selection: Fixed, On-the-Fly Serially Programmable
Input Range: 1MHz-1.999999MHz, 2MHz-9.999999MHz(XTAL), 2MHz-25MHz, 10.000001MHz-25MHz(XTAL)
Output Range: 0.32MHZ-0.390999MHz, 0.391MHz-0.499999MHz, 0.5MHz-1.999999MHz, 2.000001MHz-66.6MHz, 66.600001MHz-80MHz, 80.000001MHz-90MHz, 90.000001MHz-100MHz
Part number: ICD2053BSC-1
Description: Programmable Clock Generator
Price: $1.97
Package: 8-Pin Plastic Small Outline ICs (SOIC)
Operating Voltage: 5
Operating Range: Commercial
PLLs: 1
Features: MUXREF, OE
Outputs: 1
Frequency Selection: Fixed, On-the-Fly Serially Programmable
Input Range: 1MHz-1.999999MHz, 2MHz-9.999999MHz(XTAL), 2MHz-25MHz, 10.000001MHz-25MHz(XTAL)
Output Range: 0.391MHz-0.499999MHz, 0.5MHz-1.999999MHz, 2.000001MHz-66.6MHz, 66.600001MHz-80MHz, 80.000001MHz-90MHz, 90.000001MHz-100MHz
Part number: ICD2061A
Description: Dual Programmable Graphics Clock Generator
Price: $2.20
Package: 16-Pin Plastic Smal Outline ICs (SOIC)
Operating Voltage: 5
Operating Range: Commercial
PLLs: 2
Outputs: 2
Frequency Selection: Fixed, On-the-Fly Serially Programmable
Input Range: 1MHz-1.999999MHz, 2MHz-9.999999MHz(XTAL), 2MHz-25MHz, 10.000001MHz-25MHz(XTAL)
Output Range: 0.391MHz-0.499999MHz, 0.5MHz-1.999999MHz, 2.000001MHz-66.6MHz, 66.600001MHz-80MHz, 80.000001MHz-90MHz, 90.000001MHz-100MHz
Part number: ICE2AS01
Function: Off-Line SMPS
Output: MOSFET Gate Driver
VCC (min) (V): 8.5
VCC (max) (V): 21
ICC (max) (mA): 8
IQ (max) (mA): 400
Iq (typ) (mA): 0.055
Operating Temperature (min) (degC): -25
Operating Temperature (max) (degC): 130
Package: P-DIP-8
Part number: ICE2AS01G
Function: Off-Line SMPS
Output: MOSFET Gate Driver
VCC (min) (V): 8.5
VCC (max) (V): 21
ICC (max) (mA): 8
IQ (max) (mA): 400
Iq (typ) (mA): 0.055
Operating Temperature (min) (degC): -25
Operating Temperature (max) (degC): 130
Package: P-DSO-8 (SMD)
Part number: iceMASTER – PE
Description: Real-time transparent Emulation, 128K Emulation Memory, 16K-Frame Trace Option
Part number: iceMASTER – SF
Description: Supports over 100 8051 derivatives, 64K Trace Frames, 1Mbyte Emulation Memory Bank Switching Option
Part number: ICL3207CA
Temp.: COMM
Package: SSOP
Pin Count: 24
# of Tx: 5
# of Rx: 3
Man Shutdown?: NO
Auto Shutdown?: NO
Rx Disable?: NO
Data Rate (Kbps): 300
Cap. Value (uF): 0.1
Icc Enabled (mA): 0.3
Icc Disabled (µA): NA
Vcc Range (V): 3 to 5.5
Part number: ICL3207CA-T
Temp.: COMM
Package: SSOP
Pin Count: 24
# of Tx: 5
# of Rx: 3
Man Shutdown?: NO
Auto Shutdown?: NO
Rx Disable?: NO
Data Rate (Kbps): 300
Cap. Value (uF): 0.1
Icc Enabled (mA): 0.3
Icc Disabled (µA): NA
Vcc Range (V): 3 to 5.5
Part number: ICL3207CB
Temp.: COMM
Package: SOIC
Pin Count: 24
# of Tx: 5
# of Rx: 3
Man Shutdown?: NO
Auto Shutdown?: NO
Rx Disable?: NO
Data Rate (Kbps): 300
Cap. Value (uF): 0.1
Icc Enabled (mA): 0.3
Icc Disabled (µA): NA
Vcc Range (V): 3 to 5.5
Part number: ICL3207CB-T
Temp.: COMM
Package: SOIC
Pin Count: 24
# of Tx: 5
# of Rx: 3
Man Shutdown?: NO
Auto Shutdown?: NO
Rx Disable?: NO
Data Rate (Kbps): 300
Cap. Value (uF): 0.1
Icc Enabled (mA): 0.3
Icc Disabled (µA): NA
Vcc Range (V): 3 to 5.5
Part number: ICL3207CP
Temp.: COMM
Package: PDIP
Pin Count: 24
# of Tx: 5
# of Rx: 3
Man Shutdown?: NO
Auto Shutdown?: NO
Rx Disable?: NO
Data Rate (Kbps): 300
Cap. Value (uF): 0.1
Icc Enabled (mA): 0.3
Icc Disabled (µA): NA
Vcc Range (V): 3 to 5.5
Part number: ICL3207CV
Temp.: COMM
Package: TSSOP
Pin Count: 24
# of Tx: 5
# of Rx: 3
Man Shutdown?: NO
Auto Shutdown?: NO
Rx Disable?: NO
Data Rate (Kbps): 300
Cap. Value (uF): 0.1
Icc Enabled (mA): 0.3
Icc Disabled (µA): NA
Vcc Range (V): 3 to 5.5
Part number: ICL3207ECA
Temp.: COMM
Package: SSOP
Pin Count: 24
# of Tx: 5
# of Rx: 3
Man Shutdown?: NO
Auto Shutdown?: NO
Rx Disable?: NO
Data Rate (Kbps): 300
Cap. Value (uF): 0.1
Icc Enabled (mA): 0.3
Icc Disabled (µA): NA
Vcc Range (V): 3 to 5.5
Part number: ICL3207ECA-T
Temp.: COMM
Package: SSOP
Pin Count: 24
# of Tx: 5
# of Rx: 3
Man Shutdown?: NO
Auto Shutdown?: NO
Rx Disable?: NO
Data Rate (Kbps): 300
Cap. Value (uF): 0.1
Icc Enabled (mA): 0.3
Icc Disabled (µA): NA
Vcc Range (V): 3 to 5.5
Part number: ICL3207ECB
Temp.: COMM
Package: SOIC
Pin Count: 24
# of Tx: 5
# of Rx: 3
Man Shutdown?: NO
Auto Shutdown?: NO
Rx Disable?: NO
Data Rate (Kbps): 300
Cap. Value (uF): 0.1
Icc Enabled (mA): 0.3
Icc Disabled (µA): NA
Vcc Range (V): 3 to 5.5
Part number: ICL3207ECB-T
Temp.: COMM
Package: SOIC
Pin Count: 24
# of Tx: 5
# of Rx: 3
Man Shutdown?: NO
Auto Shutdown?: NO
Rx Disable?: NO
Data Rate (Kbps): 300
Cap. Value (uF): 0.1
Icc Enabled (mA): 0.3
Icc Disabled (µA): NA
Vcc Range (V): 3 to 5.5
Part number: ICL3207ECP
Temp.: COMM
Package: PDIP
Pin Count: 24
# of Tx: 5
# of Rx: 3
Man Shutdown?: NO
Auto Shutdown?: NO
Rx Disable?: NO
Data Rate (Kbps): 300
Cap. Value (uF): 0.1
Icc Enabled (mA): 0.3
Icc Disabled (µA): NA
Vcc Range (V): 3 to 5.5
Part number: ICL3207ECV
Temp.: COMM
Package: TSSOP
Pin Count: 24
# of Tx: 5
# of Rx: 3
Man Shutdown?: NO
Auto Shutdown?: NO
Rx Disable?: NO
Data Rate (Kbps): 300
Cap. Value (uF): 0.1
Icc Enabled (mA): 0.3
Icc Disabled (µA): NA
Vcc Range (V): 3 to 5.5
Part number: ICL3207EIA
Package: SSOP
Pin Count: 24
# of Tx: 5
# of Rx: 3
Man Shutdown?: NO
Auto Shutdown?: NO
Rx Disable?: NO
Data Rate (Kbps): 300
Cap. Value (uF): 0.1
Icc Enabled (mA): 0.3
Icc Disabled (µA): NA
Vcc Range (V): 3 to 5.5
Part number: ICL3207EIA-T
Package: SSOP
Pin Count: 24
# of Tx: 5
# of Rx: 3
Man Shutdown?: NO
Auto Shutdown?: NO
Rx Disable?: NO
Data Rate (Kbps): 300
Cap. Value (uF): 0.1
Icc Enabled (mA): 0.3
Icc Disabled (µA): NA
Vcc Range (V): 3 to 5.5
Part number: ICL3207EIB
Package: SOIC
Pin Count: 24
# of Tx: 5
# of Rx: 3
Man Shutdown?: NO
Auto Shutdown?: NO
Rx Disable?: NO
Data Rate (Kbps): 300
Cap. Value (uF): 0.1
Icc Enabled (mA): 0.3
Icc Disabled (µA): 1
Vcc Range (V): 3 to 5.5
Part number: ICL3207EIB-T
Package: SOIC
Pin Count: 24
# of Tx: 5
# of Rx: 3
Man Shutdown?: NO
Auto Shutdown?: NO
Rx Disable?: NO
Data Rate (Kbps): 300
Cap. Value (uF): 0.1
Icc Enabled (mA): 0.3
Icc Disabled (µA): 1
Vcc Range (V): 3 to 5.5
Part number: ICL3207IA
Package: SSOP
Pin Count: 24
# of Tx: 5
# of Rx: 3
Man Shutdown?: NO
Auto Shutdown?: NO
Rx Disable?: NO
Data Rate (Kbps): 300
Cap. Value (uF): 0.1
Icc Enabled (mA): 0.3
Icc Disabled (µA): NA
Vcc Range (V): 3 to 5.5
Part number: ICL3207IA-T
Package: SSOP
Pin Count: 24
# of Tx: 5
# of Rx: 3
Man Shutdown?: NO
Auto Shutdown?: NO
Rx Disable?: NO
Data Rate (Kbps): 300
Cap. Value (uF): 0.1
Icc Enabled (mA): 0.3
Icc Disabled (µA): NA
Vcc Range (V): 3 to 5.5
Part number: ICL3207IB
Package: SOIC
Pin Count: 24
# of Tx: 5
# of Rx: 3
Man Shutdown?: NO
Auto Shutdown?: NO
Rx Disable?: NO
Data Rate (Kbps): 300
Cap. Value (uF): 0.1
Icc Enabled (mA): 0.3
Icc Disabled (µA): NA
Vcc Range (V): 3 to 5.5
Part number: ICL3207IB-T
Package: SOIC
Pin Count: 24
# of Tx: 5
# of Rx: 3
Man Shutdown?: NO
Auto Shutdown?: NO
Rx Disable?: NO
Data Rate (Kbps): 300
Cap. Value (uF): 0.1
Icc Enabled (mA): 0.3
Icc Disabled (µA): NA
Vcc Range (V): 3 to 5.5
Part number: ICL3217CA
Temp.: COMM
Package: SSOP
Pin Count: 24
# of Tx: 5
# of Rx: 3
Man Shutdown?: NO
Auto Shutdown?: BASIC
Rx Disable?: NO
Data Rate (Kbps): 300
Cap. Value (uF): 0.1
Icc Enabled (mA): 0.3
Icc Disabled (µA): 1
Vcc Range (V): 3 to 5.5
Part number: ICL3217CA-T
Temp.: COMM
Package: SSOP
Pin Count: 24
# of Tx: 5
# of Rx: 3
Man Shutdown?: NO
Auto Shutdown?: BASIC
Rx Disable?: NO
Data Rate (Kbps): 300
Cap. Value (uF): 0.1
Icc Enabled (mA): 0.3
Icc Disabled (µA): 1
Vcc Range (V): 3 to 5.5
Part number: ICL3217CB
Temp.: COMM
Package: SOIC
Pin Count: 24
# of Tx: 5
# of Rx: 3
Man Shutdown?: NO
Auto Shutdown?: BASIC
Rx Disable?: NO
Data Rate (Kbps): 300
Cap. Value (uF): 0.1
Icc Enabled (mA): 0.3
Icc Disabled (µA): 1
Vcc Range (V): 3 to 5.5
Part number: ICL3217CB-T
Temp.: COMM
Package: SOIC
Pin Count: 24
# of Tx: 5
# of Rx: 3
Man Shutdown?: NO
Auto Shutdown?: BASIC
Rx Disable?: NO
Data Rate (Kbps): 300
Cap. Value (uF): 0.1
Icc Enabled (mA): 0.3
Icc Disabled (µA): 1
Vcc Range (V): 3 to 5.5
Part number: ICL3217ECA
Temp.: COMM
Package: SSOP
Pin Count: 24
# of Tx: 5
# of Rx: 3
Man Shutdown?: NO
Auto Shutdown?: BASIC
Rx Disable?: NO
Data Rate (Kbps): 300
Cap. Value (uF): 0.1
Icc Enabled (mA): 0.3
Icc Disabled (µA): 1
Vcc Range (V): 3 to 5.5
Part number: ICL3217ECA-T
Temp.: COMM
Package: SSOP
Pin Count: 24
# of Tx: 5
# of Rx: 3
Man Shutdown?: NO
Auto Shutdown?: BASIC
Rx Disable?: NO
Data Rate (Kbps): 300
Cap. Value (uF): 0.1
Icc Enabled (mA): 0.3
Icc Disabled (µA): 1
Vcc Range (V): 3 to 5.5
Part number: ICL3217ECB
Temp.: COMM
Package: SOIC
Pin Count: 24
# of Tx: 5
# of Rx: 3
Man Shutdown?: NO
Auto Shutdown?: BASIC
Rx Disable?: NO
Data Rate (Kbps): 300
Cap. Value (uF): 0.1
Icc Enabled (mA): 0.3
Icc Disabled (µA): 1
Vcc Range (V): 3 to 5.5
Part number: ICL3217ECB-T
Temp.: COMM
Package: SOIC
Pin Count: 24
# of Tx: 5
# of Rx: 3
Man Shutdown?: NO
Auto Shutdown?: BASIC
Rx Disable?: NO
Data Rate (Kbps): 300
Cap. Value (uF): 0.1
Icc Enabled (mA): 0.3
Icc Disabled (µA): 1
Vcc Range (V): 3 to 5.5
Part number: ICL3217EIA
Package: SSOP
Pin Count: 24
# of Tx: 5
# of Rx: 3
Man Shutdown?: NO
Auto Shutdown?: BASIC
Rx Disable?: NO
Data Rate (Kbps): 300
Cap. Value (uF): 0.1
Icc Enabled (mA): 0.3
Icc Disabled (µA): 1
Vcc Range (V): 3 to 5.5
Part number: ICL3217EIA-T
Package: SSOP
Pin Count: 24
# of Tx: 5
# of Rx: 3
Man Shutdown?: NO
Auto Shutdown?: BASIC
Rx Disable?: NO
Data Rate (Kbps): 300
Cap. Value (uF): 0.1
Icc Enabled (mA): 0.3
Icc Disabled (µA): 1
Vcc Range (V): 3 to 5.5
Part number: ICL3217EIB
Package: SOIC
Pin Count: 24
# of Tx: 5
# of Rx: 3
Man Shutdown?: NO
Auto Shutdown?: BASIC
Rx Disable?: NO
Data Rate (Kbps): 300
Cap. Value (uF): 0.1
Icc Enabled (mA): 0.3
Icc Disabled (µA): 1
Vcc Range (V): 3 to 5.5
Part number: ICL3217EIB-T
Package: SOIC
Pin Count: 24
# of Tx: 5
# of Rx: 3
Man Shutdown?: NO
Auto Shutdown?: BASIC
Rx Disable?: NO
Data Rate (Kbps): 300
Cap. Value (uF): 0.1
Icc Enabled (mA): 0.3
Icc Disabled (µA): 1
Vcc Range (V): 3 to 5.5
Part number: ICL3217IA
Package: SSOP
Pin Count: 24
# of Tx: 5
# of Rx: 3
Man Shutdown?: NO
Auto Shutdown?: BASIC
Rx Disable?: NO
Data Rate (Kbps): 300
Cap. Value (uF): 0.1
Icc Enabled (mA): 0.3
Icc Disabled (µA): 1
Vcc Range (V): 3 to 5.5
Part number: ICL3217IA-T
Package: SSOP
Pin Count: 24
# of Tx: 5
# of Rx: 3
Man Shutdown?: NO
Auto Shutdown?: BASIC
Rx Disable?: NO
Data Rate (Kbps): 300
Cap. Value (uF): 0.1
Icc Enabled (mA): 0.3
Icc Disabled (µA): 1
Vcc Range (V): 3 to 5.5
Part number: ICL3217IB
Package: SOIC
Pin Count: 24
# of Tx: 5
# of Rx: 3
Man Shutdown?: NO
Auto Shutdown?: BASIC
Rx Disable?: NO
Data Rate (Kbps): 300
Cap. Value (uF): 0.1
Icc Enabled (mA): 0.3
Icc Disabled (µA): 1
Vcc Range (V): 3 to 5.5
Part number: ICL3217IB-T
Package: SOIC
Pin Count: 24
# of Tx: 5
# of Rx: 3
Man Shutdown?: NO
Auto Shutdown?: BASIC
Rx Disable?: NO
Data Rate (Kbps): 300
Cap. Value (uF): 0.1
Icc Enabled (mA): 0.3
Icc Disabled (µA): 1
Vcc Range (V): 3 to 5.5
Part number: ICL3221CA
Temp.: COMM
Package: SSOP
Pin Count: 16
# of Tx: 1
# of Rx: 1
Man Shutdown?: YES
Auto Shutdown?: BASIC
Rx Disable?: YES
Data Rate (Kbps): 500
Cap. Value (uF): 0.1
Icc Enabled (mA): 0.3
Icc Disabled (µA): 1
Vcc Range (V): 3 to 5.5
Part number: ICL3221CA-T
Temp.: COMM
Package: SSOP
Pin Count: 16
# of Tx: 1
# of Rx: 1
Man Shutdown?: YES
Auto Shutdown?: BASIC
Rx Disable?: YES
Data Rate (Kbps): 500
Cap. Value (uF): 0.1
Icc Enabled (mA): 0.3
Icc Disabled (µA): 1
Vcc Range (V): 3 to 5.5
Part number: ICL3221CV
Temp.: COMM
Package: TSSOP
Pin Count: 16
# of Tx: 1
# of Rx: 1
Man Shutdown?: YES
Auto Shutdown?: BASIC
Rx Disable?: YES
Data Rate (Kbps): 500
Cap. Value (uF): 0.1
Icc Enabled (mA): 0.3
Icc Disabled (µA): 1
Vcc Range (V): 3 to 5.5
Part number: ICL3221CV-T
Temp.: COMM
Package: TSSOP
Pin Count: 16
# of Tx: 1
# of Rx: 1
Man Shutdown?: YES
Auto Shutdown?: BASIC
Rx Disable?: YES
Data Rate (Kbps): 500
Cap. Value (uF): 0.1
Icc Enabled (mA): 0.3
Icc Disabled (µA): 1
Vcc Range (V): 3 to 5.5
Part number: ICL3221ECA
Temp.: COMM
Package: SSOP
Pin Count: 16
# of Tx: 1
# of Rx: 1
Man Shutdown?: YES
Auto Shutdown?: BASIC
Rx Disable?: YES
Data Rate (Kbps): 500
Cap. Value (uF): 0.1
Icc Enabled (mA): 0.3
Icc Disabled (µA): 1
Vcc Range (V): 3 to 5.5
Part number: ICL3221ECA-T
Temp.: COMM
Package: SSOP
Pin Count: 16
# of Tx: 1
# of Rx: 1
Man Shutdown?: YES
Auto Shutdown?: BASIC
Rx Disable?: YES
Data Rate (Kbps): 500
Cap. Value (uF): 0.1
Icc Enabled (mA): 0.3
Icc Disabled (µA): 1
Vcc Range (V): 3 to 5.5
Part number: ICL3221ECV
Temp.: COMM
Package: TSSOP
Pin Count: 16
# of Tx: 1
# of Rx: 1
Man Shutdown?: YES
Auto Shutdown?: BASIC
Rx Disable?: YES
Data Rate (Kbps): 500
Cap. Value (uF): 0.1
Icc Enabled (mA): 0.3
Icc Disabled (µA): 1
Vcc Range (V): 3 to 5.5
Part number: ICL3221ECV-T
Temp.: COMM
Package: TSSOP
Pin Count: 16
# of Tx: 1
# of Rx: 1
Man Shutdown?: YES
Auto Shutdown?: BASIC
Rx Disable?: YES
Data Rate (Kbps): 500
Cap. Value (uF): 0.1
Icc Enabled (mA): 0.3
Icc Disabled (µA): 1
Vcc Range (V): 3 to 5.5
Part number: ICL3221EIA
Package: SSOP
Pin Count: 16
# of Tx: 1
# of Rx: 1
Man Shutdown?: YES
Auto Shutdown?: BASIC
Rx Disable?: YES
Data Rate (Kbps): 500
Cap. Value (uF): 0.1
Icc Enabled (mA): 0.3
Icc Disabled (µA): 1
Vcc Range (V): 3 to 5.5
Part number: ICL3221EIA-T
Package: SSOP
Pin Count: 16
# of Tx: 1
# of Rx: 1
Man Shutdown?: YES
Auto Shutdown?: BASIC
Rx Disable?: YES
Data Rate (Kbps): 500
Cap. Value (uF): 0.1
Icc Enabled (mA): 0.3
Icc Disabled (µA): 1
Vcc Range (V): 3 to 5.5
Part number: ICL3221IA
Package: SSOP
Pin Count: 16
# of Tx: 1
# of Rx: 1
Man Shutdown?: YES
Auto Shutdown?: BASIC
Rx Disable?: YES
Data Rate (Kbps): 500
Cap. Value (uF): 0.1
Icc Enabled (mA): .03
Icc Disabled (µA): 1
Vcc Range (V): 3 to 5.5
Part number: ICL3221IA-T
Package: SSOP
Pin Count: 16
# of Tx: 1
# of Rx: 1
Man Shutdown?: YES
Auto Shutdown?: BASIC
Rx Disable?: YES
Data Rate (Kbps): 500
Cap. Value (uF): .01
Icc Enabled (mA): .03
Icc Disabled (µA): 1
Vcc Range (V): 3 to 5.5
Part number: ICL3222CA
Temp.: COMM
Package: SSOP
Pin Count: 20
# of Tx: 2
# of Rx: 2
Man Shutdown?: YES
Auto Shutdown?: NO
Rx Disable?: YES
Data Rate (Kbps): 500
Cap. Value (uF): 0.1
Icc Enabled (mA): 0.3
Icc Disabled (µA): 1
Vcc Range (V): 3 to 5.5
Part number: ICL3222CA-T
Temp.: COMM
Package: SSOP
Pin Count: 20
# of Tx: 2
# of Rx: 2
Man Shutdown?: YES
Auto Shutdown?: NO
Rx Disable?: YES
Data Rate (Kbps): 500
Cap. Value (uF): 0.1
Icc Enabled (mA): 0.3
Icc Disabled (µA): 1
Vcc Range (V): 3 to 5.5
Part number: ICL3222CB
Temp.: COMM
Package: SOIC
Pin Count: 18
# of Tx: 2
# of Rx: 2
Man Shutdown?: YES
Auto Shutdown?: NO
Rx Disable?: YES
Data Rate (Kbps): 500
Cap. Value (uF): 0.1
Icc Enabled (mA): 0.3
Icc Disabled (µA): 1
Vcc Range (V): 3 to 5.5
Part number: ICL3222CP
Temp.: COMM
Package: PDIP
Pin Count: 18
# of Tx: 2
# of Rx: 2
Man Shutdown?: YES
Auto Shutdown?: NO
Rx Disable?: YES
Data Rate (Kbps): 500
Cap. Value (uF): 0.1
Icc Enabled (mA): 0.3
Icc Disabled (µA): 1
Vcc Range (V): 3 to 5.5
Part number: ICL3222CV
Temp.: COMM
Package: TSSOP
Pin Count: 20
# of Tx: 2
# of Rx: 2
Man Shutdown?: YES
Auto Shutdown?: NO
Rx Disable?: YES
Data Rate (Kbps): 500
Cap. Value (uF): 0.1
Icc Enabled (mA): 0.3
Icc Disabled (µA): 1
Vcc Range (V): 3 to 5.5
Part number: ICL3222CV-T
Temp.: COMM
Package: TSSOP
Pin Count: 20
# of Tx: 2
# of Rx: 2
Man Shutdown?: YES
Auto Shutdown?: NO
Rx Disable?: YES
Data Rate (Kbps): 500
Cap. Value (uF): 0.1
Icc Enabled (mA): 0.3
Icc Disabled (µA): 1
Vcc Range (V): 3 to 5.5
Part number: ICL3222ECA
Temp.: COMM
Package: SSOP
Pin Count: 20
# of Tx: 2
# of Rx: 2
Man Shutdown?: YES
Auto Shutdown?: NO
Rx Disable?: YES
Data Rate (Kbps): 500
Cap. Value (uF): 0.1
Icc Enabled (mA): 0.3
Icc Disabled (µA): 1
Vcc Range (V): 3 to 5.5
Part number: ICL3222ECA-T
Temp.: COMM
Package: SSOP
Pin Count: 20
# of Tx: 2
# of Rx: 2
Man Shutdown?: YES
Auto Shutdown?: NO
Rx Disable?: YES
Data Rate (Kbps): 500
Cap. Value (uF): 0.1
Icc Enabled (mA): 0.3
Icc Disabled (µA): 1
Vcc Range (V): 3 to 5.5
Part number: ICL3222ECB
Temp.: COMM
Package: SOIC
Pin Count: 18
# of Tx: 2
# of Rx: 2
Man Shutdown?: YES
Auto Shutdown?: NO
Rx Disable?: YES
Data Rate (Kbps): 500
Cap. Value (uF): 0.1
Icc Enabled (mA): 0.3
Icc Disabled (µA): 1
Vcc Range (V): 3 to 5.5
Part number: ICL3222ECB-T
Temp.: COMM
Package: SOIC
Pin Count: 18
# of Tx: 2
# of Rx: 2
Man Shutdown?: YES
Auto Shutdown?: NO
Rx Disable?: YES
Data Rate (Kbps): 500
Cap. Value (uF): 0.1
Icc Enabled (mA): 0.3
Icc Disabled (µA): 1
Vcc Range (V): 3 to 5.5
Part number: ICL3222ECP
Temp.: COMM
Package: PDIP
Pin Count: 18
# of Tx: 2
# of Rx: 2
Man Shutdown?: YES
Auto Shutdown?: NO
Rx Disable?: YES
Data Rate (Kbps): 500
Cap. Value (uF): 0.1
Icc Enabled (mA): 0.3
Icc Disabled (µA): 1
Vcc Range (V): 3 to 5.5
Part number: ICL3222ECV
Temp.: COMM
Package: TSSOP
Pin Count: 20
# of Tx: 2
# of Rx: 2
Man Shutdown?: YES
Auto Shutdown?: NO
Rx Disable?: YES
Data Rate (Kbps): 500
Cap. Value (uF): 0.1
Icc Enabled (mA): 0.3
Icc Disabled (µA): 1
Vcc Range (V): 3 to 5.5
Part number: ICL3222ECV-T
Temp.: COMM
Package: TSSOP
Pin Count: 20
# of Tx: 2
# of Rx: 2
Man Shutdown?: YES
Auto Shutdown?: NO
Rx Disable?: YES
Data Rate (Kbps): 500
Cap. Value (uF): 0.1
Icc Enabled (mA): 0.3
Icc Disabled (µA): 1
Vcc Range (V): 3 to 5.5
Part number: ICL3222EIA
Package: SSOP
Pin Count: 20
# of Tx: 2
# of Rx: 2
Man Shutdown?: YES
Auto Shutdown?: NO
Rx Disable?: YES
Data Rate (Kbps): 500
Cap. Value (uF): 0.1
Icc Enabled (mA): 0.3
Icc Disabled (µA): 1
Vcc Range (V): 3 to 5.5
Part number: ICL3222EIA-T
Package: SSOP
Pin Count: 20
# of Tx: 2
# of Rx: 2
Man Shutdown?: YES
Auto Shutdown?: NO
Rx Disable?: YES
Data Rate (Kbps): 500
Cap. Value (uF): 0.1
Icc Enabled (mA): 0.3
Icc Disabled (µA): 1
Vcc Range (V): 3 to 5.5
Part number: ICL3222EIB
Package: SOIC
Pin Count: 18
# of Tx: 2
# of Rx: 2
Man Shutdown?: YES
Auto Shutdown?: NO
Rx Disable?: YES
Data Rate (Kbps): 500
Cap. Value (uF): 0.1
Icc Enabled (mA): 0.3
Icc Disabled (µA): 1
Vcc Range (V): 3 to 5.5
Part number: ICL3222EIB-T
Package: SOIC
Pin Count: 18
# of Tx: 2
# of Rx: 2
Man Shutdown?: YES
Auto Shutdown?: NO
Rx Disable?: YES
Data Rate (Kbps): 500
Cap. Value (uF): 0.1
Icc Enabled (mA): 0.3
Icc Disabled (µA): 1
Vcc Range (V): 3 to 5.5
Part number: ICL3222EIV
Package: TSSOP
Pin Count: 20
# of Tx: 2
# of Rx: 2
Man Shutdown?: YES
Auto Shutdown?: NO
Rx Disable?: YES
Data Rate (Kbps): 500
Cap. Value (uF): 0.1
Icc Enabled (mA): 0.3
Icc Disabled (µA): 1
Vcc Range (V): 3 to 5.5
Part number: ICL3222EIV-T
Package: TSSOP
Pin Count: 20
# of Tx: 2
# of Rx: 2
Man Shutdown?: YES
Auto Shutdown?: NO
Rx Disable?: YES
Data Rate (Kbps): 500
Cap. Value (uF): 0.1
Icc Enabled (mA): 0.3
Icc Disabled (µA): 1
Vcc Range (V): 3 to 5.5