Part number: M68762H
fL (MHz): 440
fH (MHz): 490
Po (W): 30.0
Gp (dB): 20.0
T/L Eff. (%): 40
Pin (mW): 300
Vcc (V): 12.5
Part number: M68762L
fL (MHz): 400
fH (MHz): 450
Po (W): 30.0
Gp (dB): 20.0
T/L Eff. (%): 40
Pin (mW): 300
Vcc (V): 12.5
Part number: M68762SH
fL (MHz): 470
fH (MHz): 520
Po (W): 30.0
Gp (dB): 20.0
T/L Eff. (%): 40
Pin (mW): 300
Vcc (V): 12.5
Part number: M68762SL
fL (MHz): 350
fH (MHz): 400
Po (W): 30.0
Gp (dB): 20.0
T/L Eff. (%): 40
Pin (mW): 300
Vcc (V): 12.5
Part number: M68769H
fL (MHz): 440
fH (MHz): 490
Po (W): 45.0
Gp (dB): 21.0
T/L Eff. (%): 35
Pin (mW): 300
Vcc (V): 12.5
Part number: M68769L
fL (MHz): 400
fH (MHz): 450
Po (W): 45.0
Gp (dB): 21.0
T/L Eff. (%): 35
Pin (mW): 300
Vcc (V): 12.5
Part number: M68769SH
fL (MHz): 470
fH (MHz): 512
Po (W): 45.0
Gp (dB): 21.0
T/L Eff. (%): 30
Pin (mW): 300
Vcc (V): 12.5
Part number: M68772
fL (MHz): 890
fH (MHz): 915
Po (W): 13.0
Gp (dB): 38.1
T/L Eff. (%): 35
Pin (mW): 2
Vcc (V): 12.5
Part number: M68776
fL (MHz): 135
fH (MHz): 174
Po (W): 6.5
Gp (dB): 25.1
T/L Eff. (%): 45
Pin (mW): 20
Vcc (V): 7.2
Part number: M68779H
fL (MHz): 240
fH (MHz): 270
Po (W): 7.0
Gp (dB): 23.7
T/L Eff. (%): 45
Pin (mW): 30
Vcc (V): 7.2
Part number: M68779M
fL (MHz): 218
fH (MHz): 250
Po (W): 7.0
Gp (dB): 23.7
T/L Eff. (%): 45
Pin (mW): 20
Vcc (V): 9.6
Part number: M68AF127BL
Size: 1Mb
Description: 128Kbit x 8, 55ns, two CE
Package: SO32
Part number: M68AF511AL
Size: 4Mb
Description: 512Kbit x 8, 55ns, one CE
Package: TSOP II 32, SO32
Part number: M68AR128ML
Size: 2Mb
Description: 128Kbit x 16, 70ns, one CE
Package: TFBGA48
Part number: M68AR256ML
Size: 4Mb
Description: 256Kbit x 16, 70ns, one CE
Package: TFBGA48
Part number: M68AR512DL
Size: 8Mb
Description: 512Kbit x 16, 70ns, two CE
Package: TFBGA48
Part number: M68AW064FL
Size: 1Mb
Description: 64Kbit x 16, 70ns, one CE
Package: TFBGA48
Part number: M68AW128ML
Size: 2Mb
Description: 128Kbit x 16, 70ns, one CE
Package: TFBGA48, TSOP II 44
Part number: M68AW256ML
Size: 4Mb
Description: 256Kbit x 16, 70ns, one CE
Package: TFBGA48, TSOP II 44
Part number: M68AW511AL
Size: 4Mb
Description: 512Kbit x 8, 55ns, one CE
Package: TSOP II 32
Part number: M68AW512DL
Size: 8Mb
Description: 512Kbit x 16, 55ns, two CE
Package: TFBGA48
Part number: M68EC0X0IDP
Description: Integrated DevelopmentPlatform used for 68EC0X0 evaluation/development Active:M68EC040IDP3, M68EC000IDP Archive: M68EC060IDP,M68EC030IDP3, M68EC020IDP
Part number: M68EVB912B32
Description: The M68EVB912B32 is used to design, debug, and evaluate code for the 68HC912B32 MCU. By providing the essential MCU timing and I/O circuitry, the EVB simplifies user evaluation of prototype hardware and software.
Part number: M68EVB912BC32
Description: The M68EVB912BC32 is used to design, debug, and evaluate code for the 68HC912BC32 MCU. By providing the essential MCU timing and I/O circuitry, the EVB simplifies user evaluation of prototype hardware and software.
Part number: M68EZ328ADS
Description: MC68EZ328 ApplicationDevelopment System
Part number: M68HC12A4EVB
Description: The M68HC12A4 EVB is used to design, debug, and evaluate embedded systems based on the MC68HC812A4 device. By providing the essential MCU timing and I/O circuitry, the EVB simplifies user evaluation of prototype hardware and software.
Part number: M68KIT912D60
Description: The M68KIT912D60 incorporates the Evaluation Board (EVB) with the Serial Debug Interface (SDIL12) to give the designer a low cost, non-intrusive in-circuit debugging solution
Part number: M68KIT912DG128
Description: The M68KIT912DG128 incorporates the Evaluation Board (EVB) with the Serial Debug Interface (SDIL12) to give the designer a low cost, non-intrusive in-circuit debugging solution.
Part number: M68MMDS11
Description: Modular Development System for 68HC11 Family
Part number: M68VZ328ADS
Description: M68VZ328 ApplicationDevelopment System
Part number: M68Z128
Size: 1Mb
Description: 1Mb (x8), 55ns, 5V Low Power SRAM
Package: TSOP32A
Part number: M68Z128W
Size: 1Mb
Description: 1Mb (x8), 70ns, 3V Low Power SRAM
Package: TSOP32A
Part number: M68Z512
Size: 4Mb
Description: 4Mb (x8), 70ns, 5V Low Power SRAM
Package: TSOP32 type II
Part number: M68Z512W
Size: 4Mb
Description: 4Mb (x8), 70ns, 3V Low Power SRAM
Package: TSOP32 type II
Part number: M69032P
Description: Dolby Pro Logic Surround Decoder
Package: -
Part number: M69897VP
Description: 16:1 2.488 Gbps Multiplexer
Package: 64 PQFP
Part number: M69899VP
Description: 1:16 2:488 Gbps Demultiplexer (with Differential Output)
Package: 64 PQFP
Part number: M6MGB/T321S4TP
Organization: 2M x 16/4M x 8(F) + 256K x 16/512K x 8(S)
Vcc(V): 2.7-3.6
Vpp (V): -
Access Time (ns): 90 (F) + 85 (S)
Flash EraseBlockType: Boot
Flash Function: BGO
Package Outline: TSOP-II
Package Size: 52-pin10.5mm x 10.8mm
Part number: M6MGB/T321S8TP
Organization: 2M x 16/4M x 8(F) + 512K x 16/1M x 8(S)
Vcc(V): 2.7-3.0
Vpp (V): -
Access Time (ns): 90 (F) + 85 (S)
Flash EraseBlockType: Boot
Flash Function: BGO
Package Outline: TSOP-II
Package Size: 52-pin10.5mm x 10.8mm
Part number: M6MGB/T323S4TP
Organization: 2M x 16(F) + 512K x 8(S)
Vcc(V): 2.7-3.6
Vpp (V): -
Access Time (ns): 90 (F) + 85 (S)
Flash EraseBlockType: Boot
Flash Function: BGO
Package Outline: TSOP-II
Package Size: 52-pin10.5mm x 10.8mm